Break into the world of video with YouTube + integration
Join the world's most popular video discovery platform and create videos that are worth clicking the bell.
Raise engagement on your channel
with a steady flow of great video content
Educate, encourage and entertain with videos
Grow excitement around your brand by making videos that deserve watching to the end. Share the knowledge, showcase products, inspire and motivate — the sky is the limit. Shape your ideas with in minutes and spread them out via YouTube.
Combine stock assets and videos of your own
Choose assets from our rich library comprising over 300 million video clips, images, and audio files or upload the videos filmed by yourself. Enjoy the flexibility and freedom of choice.
Speed up the video production
Get all-in-one video-maker's toolkit: pre-designed layouts, transition effects, watermarks, text animations, voice-over, and dozens of other useful features are there to make your content creation a breeze.
Streamline the process with direct posting
Deliver video content directly to your channel by connecting your YouTube account to editor. As quick as a click!

Connect your YouTube and accounts now
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