Wave Camp: Go Live Overview

Welcome to have fun with Wave Camp: Go Live. Our fantastic camp counselor Chad Illa-Petersen has shared some great tips and tricks for streaming for a week.
Day 1️: Idea For Your Livestream
On the first day of the camp, Chad talks about the general rules of the challenge and prizes. For a warm-up and to feel all the fun of the camp, participants shared their ideas for streams.
Being a beginner at livestreaming, you might have difficulty coming up with an idea for streams. On day 1 of the Wave Camp, we asked people to share their on-the-spot ideas for streams in the comets.
Here are some of them:
Day 2️: Setting Up A Live Stream
On day 2, Chad has gone through each step of setting up a live stream. There are 2 important blocks:
- Set up a live stream (select destinations and schedule it)
- Create a thumbnail
Setting up your livestream
There are several things you should do to set up a stream. At first, choose one or a couple of destinations you want to stream to:
- Go to My projects (you’ll see the button no matter what page you are on);
- Click on the My streams button;
- Setting up your stream for the first time, go to the Destinations section;
- Click on the +Add destination button (in the drop-down menu, you can choose from several options: Facebook page, Facebook group, Facebook profile, YouTube channel, Custom RTMP, Linkedin is to be added soon.);
- Connect the account;
- Add the final destination.
Create a thumbnail
Thumbnail is the first thing your audience sees when the live stream is announced. With Wave.video, it is very easy to create one within one platform.
There are two options for you to create a thumbnail. Create an image or go to video editor, and at the end, save it as a .png or .jpg image.
- Click on the +Create button at the top right corner.
- Choose the preferred format (regular video size is 16:9).
- After all the design and creativity, click on Publish, save the thumbnail in the format you prefer, and generate it.
With Wave.video, there is freedom for your creativity. Here is Chad’s recipe for a one-two-three thumbnail.
- Get rid of the background.
- Upload a nice image to attract attention. In the case of Chad, it is a surprised Chad himself.
- Resize, and edit the image to fit the style (no background, crop, add color, etc.)
- Set up a new background. To make it fun, Chad adds a gradient.
- Add some text, and choose from text templates (you can find them in the left side menu). Choose the style, resize, change colors, etc.
When you have everything prepared, it’s time to schedule your stream!
- Return to the My streams section and click on the red New stream button.
- Name your stream.
- Choose the folder where the stream would be saved after all.
- Click Setup live stream.
- Add a description.
- You can schedule it for later and post an announcement on social media if you want. Pick the date and time, and upload the thumbnail.
- Click on the Setup destinations button.
- When you have selected preferred destinations, click on the Create Live Stream button.
To invite guests to the upcoming stream, click on the little person icon; it will give you a link that you can copy and send to your guests so that they can enter the studio.
Day 3️: Planning Your Livestream
Navigation through the Wave.video livestream studio and managing scenes are the themes on the third day of the Wave Camp. Kate shows the studio that she used for the stream that has already passed. There are already some of the scenes prepared.
- When you come to the studio on the left side, you see a Show scense button; click it to open the special menu. Here you can manage them: add new scenes, rearrange them, delete, and switch between them.
- To make a new slide, hit a + button;
- Click edit scene to add overlays, background, videos, audio, etc. In Wave.video, you can create new pieces of media and send them to your studio.
Day 4️: No Camera Fear
On the fourth day of the Wave Camp, our great counselor helps deal with the camera fear. Many streamers struggle with being in front of the camera; we know how difficult it might be to overcome this fear. So Chad has invited amazing Molly Mahoney, a professional performer, a guest of the 9th episode of the Live Better show, and a huge Wave.video supporter.
Tips from Molly Mahoney to gain camera confidence:
- Know who you are. Focusing on what the audience wants to see, people forget to show who they actually are as human beings.
An easy exercise to work on it is called S.A.A.V.E. or a Quesadilla of Awsome. Think of 20 things that make you a uniquely incredible human being and make it your advantage.
Skillsets – things you are naturally gifted with;
Appearance features
Activities – things that help you communicate with other people
Personal Values
Food that you like to Eat – same or polar different preferences work like a charm for the audience
- A moment before. Look straight in the middle of the camera and picture the one human being on the other side of the camera. Imagine that they ask you a question that you are about to answer. It helps you connect with the potential audience.
- Do a vocal warm-up. Speaking on camera, the voice becomes a coloring for your thoughts. Use your voice as an instrument to convey ideas.
- Know why you are doing this. It helps the stuff go; you know that there is a mission behind this.
Day 5️: Questions & Feedback
We know how many questions the campers have after more and more interacting with Wave.video streaming. Here are some of the most popular questions.
Is there a way to copy scenes from previous shows?
Yes, it’s easy. Go to one of the past shows, the one that you want to copy scenes from, click on the three dots icon, and in the drop-down menu, choose Duplicate. Wave would create a new stream with the same components.
How to invite guests?
In the upcoming shows sections, in the card of each stream, there is a person icon. Click it, and you get an invite link, so you can copy it and send it to your guests.
What is a Landing feature in the Wave.video?
With Wave.video, every video you create gets a landing page that you can manage and design the way you want. To know more about video landing pages, read our How to customize video landing pages article.
Do the guests require having accounts?
No, guests can be complete strangers to Wave.video.
That is how we have spent these fantastic 5 days with Wave Camp: Go Live. We believe it was fun and helpful for you. Here are some of the kind words that Wave campers have shared in the comments.
We are looking forward to the Wave Camp 2.0, so we can keep developing and improving your streaming skills.