Text-to-Speech Video Maker
Need a professional voiceover for your video? We got you covered. Generate voiceovers for your videos in over 20 languages in a matter of minutes. Type or paste in your text, select from the wide range of natural voices and convert your text to speech with the help of Wave.video.

Here’s how you convert text to speech in 3 easy steps
1. Upload your footage or browse the stock libraries.
Put your video inside the editor to get it ready for the voiceover.
2. Access the text-to-speech feature.
Open up the text-to-speech converter and type or paste in the text that you want to be read aloud.
3. Generate the voiceover for your video.
Select from dozens of male and female natural-sounding voices and get a ready-to-use professional voiceover for your video in a matter of minutes.
Why convert text to speech with Wave.video?
Intuitive interface.
You don’t have to purchase and master complicated video & audio editing software. The video creation process made easy with Wave.video.Wide selection of languages and voices
We picked dozens of voices that speak perfect English and accents along with 20+ other languages. With Wave.video, you can give your clip a tailored, best-matching voiceover.Not just a text-to-speech converter
With Wave.video, you can record your own voice right in the editor or generate artificial voiceovers and then turn the speech into captions for better reach and engagement.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I download the generated audio file separately?
Yes. Wave.video allows you to detach any audio file from your video and download it as a separate .mp3 file. The same works for the audio tracks created with the text-to-speech converter. You can learn more about it here.
What languages does the text-to-speech converter support?
You can convert text to speech in 20+ languages including the most common variations of the English language.
How many voices can I choose from to convert text to speech?
We offer a selection of male and female voices for every language. For the English language, it is also possible to use childs’ voices.
- Arabic text to speech
- Australian English text to speech
- Brazilian Portuguese text to speech
- British English text to speech
- Canadian French text to speech
- Cantonese text to speech
- Castilian Spanish text to speech
- Catalan text to speech
- Chinese Mandarin text to speech
- Danish text to speech
- Dutch text to speech
- Finnish text to speech
- French text to speech
- German text to speech
- Gulf Arabic text to speech
- Icelandic text to speech
- Indian English text to speech
- Italian text to speech
- Japanese text to speech
- Korean text to speech
- Mexican Spanish text to speech
- New Zealand English text to speech
- Norwegian text to speech
- Polish text to speech
- Portuguese text to speech
- Romanian text to speech
- Russian text to speech
- South African English text to speech
- Swedish text to speech
- Turkish text to speech
- US English text to speech
- US Spanish text to speech
- Welsh text to speech
- Welsh English text to speech