
Embed video on your website. Get more views

Easily embed video on your website or blog with Wave.video. Boost your SEO and get more engagement. No coding required!


Best Value video marketing software

Wave has enabled me to add video creation to my social media marketing efforts for my clients without significantly increasing my costs. They are and I are very happy.
5 starssocial media
Andrew M.

Andrew M.

Owner, Marketing and Advertising

How to embed a video on your website or blog: step by step

  • Step 1. Upload your video to Wave.video

    Step 1. Upload your video to Wave.video

    The first thing you need to do in order to embed a video on your website is to upload it to a video hosting platform. Choose a video that you want to embed and upload it to Wave.video.

  • Step 2. Style up the video

    Step 2. Style up the video

    Choose the way you want your embedded video to look. With Wave.video branded video player, you can change the color of the player, define how you want the video to start and end, upload a custom video thumbnail, and so much more.

  • Step 3. Add the embed code to your website

    Step 3. Add the embed code to your website

    Head over to your website or blog and paste the embed code that Wave.video automatically generated for your video. And just like that - you can embed the video. No complicated coding required!

Why embed your video with Wave.video?

  • No need to code anything. With Wave.video, you don’t have to be a professional developer in order to embed video on your website or blog.
  • Choose the way your videos look. Wave.video comes with a customizable video player. This means that you can choose the color of the play button and progress bar, add your own logo to the video, and select a thumbnail. You choose how to embed the video!
  • No ads. Avoid promoting your competitors in your own videos. With Wave.video, you control what goes into your videos. No ads or unwanted materials.